Preschool Tuition Old

Preschool Tuition

Conyers First Methodist Church Preschool is a mission of the congregation of Conyers First Methodist Church.  We understand that the expense of preschool can put a strain on a family’s budget.  The parents of preschoolers and congregation of this church would like to help those that could otherwise not afford preschool to be able to be a part of this great mission.

The scholarship funds that are awarded come from a fund that is provided by this congregation and the parents of preschoolers.  They offer this because they see the value in a preschool education and they value the strong Christian message that is taught at Conyers First Methodist Church Preschool.  They do this in support of both the school and the children in our community.

How to proceed:

  1. APPLICATION: Please fill out the application completely and turn in all forms including legal custody forms and tax forms. Incomplete applications will not be considered:
    Scholarship Application
  2. DEADLINE: Applicants must submit their information before the May 31.
  3. Please complete the form and mail or deliver it to:
    Conyers First MC Preschool
    921 North Main Street
    Conyers, GA 30012
  4. NOTIFICATION:  Your scholarship application will be reviewed by our Preschool Advisory Board and the Director, we will notify all applicants of our decision by July 1.
  5. AGREEMENT: If you are approved for a full or partial scholarship you will receive a scholarship agreement outlining the school and family expectations for tuition payment and fulfilment of school policies, at which time they may accept or reject the scholarship.  The agreement must be signed and returned to Conyers First Methodist Church Preschool by Aug 1.
  6. LATE APPLICATIONS: Scholarship applications turned in after May 31 will not be considered for the upcoming school year.  However, we understand that circumstances can occur throughout the school year, such as job loss and other financial difficulties.  Families that are already enrolled at CFMC Preschool may apply for assistance at that time.  The Director, on an individual basis, will consider those requests.
  7. Our financial assistance fund is limited and while all requests are considered we cannot guarantee that all applicants will receive assistance.  The decisions of the Preschool Advisory Board and Director are based on the number of requests, family circumstances, and individual needs.
  8. If you have any questions about the application process please contact Melissa Carter, Director of CFMC Preschool at (770) 483-4236

Conyers First Methodist Church Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national and ethnic origin.